Penulis : 
Sekar Pramudita, S.Pd., M.Hum
Etik Pratiwi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep

Judul Buku : Practical English for Professional Nurses

Kode Buku : P302

Ukuran: A5
Jml Hal: 64 Halaman
No. ISBN: 978-623-514-296-8
Terbit: 30 Nov 2024
Harga: 45.000
Penerbit: PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia

Sinopsis :
The Practical English for Professional Nurses book is a book to make it easier for health students, especially nurses, both at the Diploma 3 and Bachelor of Nursing levels, to prepare professional health workers and compete in the global world. This book contains easy instructions on how students or prospective nurses can give simple instructions to clients/patients using English in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures. This book also provides grammar references, conversation examples, and analysis in providing care to patients.
Hopefully this book can be useful.