Buku Personal
Language Learners’ Development (*ISBN: 978-623-514-053-7)
Penulis :
Achmad Farid
Achmad Farid
Judul Buku : Language
Learners’ Development
Kode Buku : P236
Ukuran: A5
Jml Hal: 141 Halaman
No. ISBN: 978-623-514-053-7
Terbit: 20 Jul 2024
Harga: 70.000
Penerbit: PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia
Sinopsis :
Language acquisition and learning are fundamental to human development, influencing communication, cognition, and social interactions. This book aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice by offering a comprehensive exploration of these complex processes. It addresses the increasing need for a resource that consolidates current research and practical insights into a cohesive guide, essential in our globalized world where understanding language dynamics is crucial for effective education and communication.
Structured into six chapters, the book begins by defining key concepts and exploring the stages of first language acquisition. It then differentiates between language acquisition and learning, focusing on their implications for pedagogy. Subsequent chapters cover language transfer, examining both positive and negative aspects, and discuss strategies to enhance language learning. The final chapter addresses motivation in second language learning, discussing influential theories and practical strategies to foster motivation and engagement.
This book is designed for students, educators, and researchers, presenting theoretical concepts in an accessible manner complemented by practical examples and pedagogical implications. It aims to provide readers with valuable tools and insights, contributing to more effective language teaching and learning practices worldwide.