Buku Personal
Differential Calculus With Phyton (*ISBN: 978-623-8598-11-3)
Penulis :
Ramadoni, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D
Satrio Junaidi, M.Kom
Judul Buku : Differential Calculus With Phyton
Kode Buku : P177
Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm
Jml Hal : 114 Halaman
No. ISBN : 978-623-8598-11-3
Terbit : 23 Mar 2024
Harga : 65.000
Penerbit : PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia
Beli Buku : wa.me/6288286276646 atau wa.me/6282177858344
Sinopsis :
The book contains material on real systems and functions, limits and continuity, differentiation, higher derivatives, triangular derivatives, maxima and minima, applying differentiation to real problems, drawing graphs using the concept of differentiation. Each chapter also includes a differential problem solved using the Python Programming Language.
The author hopes that students who use this book will find it easy to understand the calculus lecture material. For this reason, the author presents the material in detail, starting with concepts, examples, and exercises for each material. As this book may have flaws, the author is open to criticism and suggestions from readers to further improve this book. Author hopes that this book will help readers deepen their understanding of mathematics, algorithms and programming.