Buku Personal
Reviving Entrepreneurship Spirit and Business Recovery through Innovation and Optimization Technology
Penulis :
Perkasa,Ariyono Setiawan,Arnaldo M. Sinaga,Aurik Gustomo,Aziddin Harahap, Azizah Fauzıyah, Celine Fivian Setiawan, Charles, Chintya Ika Ratnapuri, Daffa Raditya Farandi, Daslan Simanjuntak, Devy M Puspitasari, Dewi Husnida , Dian Kurnianingrum, Dimas Yudistira Nugraha, Donald Sutanto Panjaıtan, Doni Morıka, Efendi, Eliza, Eo Juhee, Eva Yulia Puspaningrum, Evelyn Piekarsa, Fadilla Mawantika Faiza Bela Salsabila, Fani Sartıka, Fauziah Hanum, Friska Amalia, Gita Aulia Siregar, Halbana Tarmizi, Halimin Herjanto, Hamdan Alabsi, Happy Rıstantı, Harisatul Agustin, Hendisman Ndraha, Himmiyatul Amanah Jiwa Juwita, I Gede Susrama Mas Dıyasa, Imanda Dea Sabiella, Intan Rahmatillah, Irena Florencia, Isma Addi Jumbri, Iston Dwija Utama,Ivan Diryana Sudirman, Jajat Sudrajat, Jessica laresta,Jimmy Ardiansyah,Kustim Wibowo,Leni Susanti, Lidia Sanda Pare, Lilis Surienty,Mariana Simanjuntak,Martino Wibowo, Melisa Ika Putri Harahap,Mila Andria Savitri,Mira Nurfıtrıya,Mirna Lusiani,Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang,Muhammad Ali Karim,Muhammad Rahmattullah, Nadya N Cahyaningsih,Najwa Safa Arsyla,Naya Afra Danilah,Ni Gusti Made Rai, Nisrina Salsabila, Noor Awanis Muslim, Nugroho J Setiadi,Nur Azmi Karim,Nur Layli Rachmawatı, Nurlina Agustiningsih,Nurul Fatimah Rifai,Penny Rahmawaty, Pooja Darda,Pramesti Adwinda Dianisa, Prisca GalatiaPristiyono,Puji Prabowo, Purnawatı, Putu Chris Susanto, Raditha Hapsari, Rahmad Inca Liperda, Raquella Juvabel, Resista Vikaliana , Richard Giovanni Wijaya, Risna Wijayanti, Romel Hidayat, Roni Herison, Rudy Aryanto,Sanjaya Singh Gaur, Santika Syaravina, Senator Nur Bahagia , Shieren Aulia, Sindy Eka Yulianti Cahyaningtyas, Siti Chadijah, Siti Lam’ah Nasution, Sudarmi, Tjia Fie Tjoe, Tjokrowerdojo, Verawaty, Waluyo Budi Atmoko, Wawan Dhewanto, Weli Kurniawan,Widia, Widodo Samyono, Wisnu Dewobroto, Yelita Anggiane Iskandar , Yuyun Supratpto, Zulkarnain Nasution.
Judul : Reviving Entrepreneurship Spirit and Business Recovery through Innovation and Optimization Technology
Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm
Jml Hal : 152 Halaman
No. ISBN : -
Terbit : -
Harga : 120.000
Penerbit : PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia
Beli Buku Hubungi: 085156240842 atau 082177858344
Sinopsis :
This book presents a compilation of research in the field of entrepreneurship, acting as a cornerstone to support economic recovery, especially in the wake of a prolonged pandemic. The awareness of the significance of this recovery necessitates the backing of various entities, including researchers and academics. To foster a spirit of research in the realm of entrepreneurship that can inspire and empower society, the inaugural APSKI International Conference on Entrepreneurship 2023 (APSKI-ICE) was convened on May 29-30, 2023.
Within this book, readers will encounter a collection of research that delves into various pivotal aspects of the entrepreneurial world, with a particular focus on innovation and optimization technology. These studies offer in-depth insights and creative solutions that can rekindle the spirit of entrepreneurship and aid in business recovery within challenging circumstances.
"Reviving Entrepreneurship Spirit and Business Recovery through Innovation and Optimization Technology" is more than a mere compilation of research; it also serves as a wellspring of inspiration for anyone intrigued by exploring potential and opportunities within the entrepreneurship landscape. Through this book, understanding of entrepreneurship is enriched and approached with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.